Bukit Antarabangsa

Bukit Antarabangsa (Malay: International Hill) is a hillside township and in Ulu Klang, Selangor, Malaysia and one of the elite residential area in [(Malaysia)]. It is dubbed the Beverly Hills of Malaysia because many famous celebrities.It is also known as luxury real estate property.



Notable residents

Notable events

Erosion Risk of Zone Hill Side

The disastrous landslide of a hill side in 1993 which caused the 12-story Highland Tower to collapse, the 1999 landslide and the 6 December 2008 landslide indicate that this area has a high risk potential for landslide. This can be attributed to the covergence of 3 factors: rainfall, steep hill sides and soil type/geological foundation.

In a tropical country high rainfall through the year is common, and very high intensity rain during south west and north east monsoons in December and May can be as high as 350 mm a month. Due to the spillover of the East Coast Monsoon rainfall, critical holding capacity can be overwhelmed. This results in highly saturated soils.

In addition to the rain, the steep slopes and soil type are other factors contributing to a high risk of landslides. Geologically, these areas often consist of shale or schist which easily weathers to deep clay-like material of oxic or ferralictic nature, which absorbs water through its deep profile instead of allowing a surface runoff. This may lead to a critical point which results in mass movement of soil.

According to the reconnaissance soil map from the Department of Agriculture, the soil type of the Mountain Area can be of granitic materials (Rengam-Jerangau soil series) while the lower hilly area of Bukit Antarabangsa most probably consist of shale or sandstone materials, which give risk.